Zhu Dongdong



Name: Zhu Dongdong

Education and Work Experience:

2020.7 -2024.9: PhD candidate in Westlake University

2017.9 - 2020.6: M.S in Nankai University

2013.9 - 2017.6: B.S in Central South University


1.Dongdong Zhu, Qiancheng Zhao, Guilan Fan, Shuo Zhao, Liubin Wang, Fujun Li*, and Jun Chen, Photoinduced Oxygen Reduction Reaction Boosts The Output Voltage of Zn-Air Battery, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58(36), 12460-12464.
2.Zhuo Zhu, Xiaomeng Shi, Dongdong Zhu, Liubin Wang, Kaixiang Lei, and Fujun Li*, A Hybrid Na//K+-Containing Electrolyte//O2 Battery with High Rechargeability and Cycle Stability, Research 2019, 6180615.